(Info From Microsoft)Įnabling this large-address-aware flag for software allows a 32-bit program to access more memory (with special boot options on a 32-bit OS or on a 64-bit OS- see instructions below). It is a good practice to specify large-address-aware for 32-bit applications (such as Fallout 3), by using the linker flag /LARGEADDRESSAWARE, *even if the application is not intended for a 64-bit platform*, because of the advantages that are gained at no cost. Read all about the original utility here. I (NMC) have simply tweaked the program to work with Fallout 3. The utility was originally programmed and released by MadBoris, for the game Supreme Commander.
I am releasing this application as it may help with crashing and performance issues with Fallout 3, particularly when using my larger texture packs. (Thanks to creedofheresy for the information! Go into the save folder, and pull the files out of your profile, and put in just the SAVES folder, NOT the one for your profile. If the DLCs are already in the DATA folder: when starting up the game, go into data files on the launcher and check them again. *** This mod is not required if you are using the GOG version of FO3, as GOG have already made their release Large Address Aware *** NOTE: Not compatible with Games For Windows LIVE.
FOSE from 1.1 beta 8 onwards is compatible with this mod