Regardless of the method you used, administrative shares will be disabled. Use this option to avoid Registry editing. The same can be done using Winaero Tweaker. Create a new DWORD value here, named AutoShareWks.Tip: See how to jump to the desired Registry key with one click. Go to the following Registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters.Disable administrative shares using a Registry tweak These users can use the second solution below. This solution might not be suitable for users who want to get rid of administrative shares but wish to keep their own shared folders and printers accessible from the network. Now all Windows shares will not be accessible. In the Server Properties dialog, change the startup type from Automatic to Disabled:.
This will remove access to any shared folder from your Windows operating system. If you do not plan to use file and print sharing at all on your PC, you can disable the Server service. The Server service is responsible for all shares available on your PC including administrative shares. Disable administrative shares using a Registry tweak Disable administrative shares using the 'Server' service.